How to Pass the Time During a Slow Hunt

How to Pass the Time During a Slow Hunt

There are plenty of things you can do to pass the time during a slow hunt, so there’s no reason to get bored! Keep reading for some great ideas.

Hunting is a thrilling and adventurous sport, but it’s no secret that things can get somewhat uneventful. Even in the thick of the hunting season, you’re sure to run into a moment or two (or three or four) that is incredibly slow. To combat the slow-moving time and avoid being bored out of your mind, here are a few things you can do during any dull moment.

Continue reading to learn more.

Passing the Time During a Hunt

Hunting is full of excitement and adventure, but the slow time can get a bit boring for many hunters. But if you can find something to do that helps you pass the time while you wait for your perfect shot and spend more time outdoors, you’ll increase your chances of ending your hunt successfully! Here are a few ideas to help kill some time during a slow hunt:

Read a Book — Whether you read while you wait or read to unwind at your campsite, you’ll definitely want a book to read. However, the sound of turning pages is enough to catch the attention of the wildlife, so you may want to consider investing in a Kindle or some other eReader to remain as quiet as possible.

Take Up Photography — A fun way to pass the time is to take photos of all the other wildlife you’re sure to see. You’ll be able to capture beautiful birds, sunsets, and landscape photos until you are ready to pull the trigger.

Play a Game on Your Phone — This may not be for everyone, but this is a great time to play your favorite game on your phone for some. Just make sure you put it on silent or wear headphones so as not to disturb the peace.

Bird Watching — Even during the slowest hunts, you’re sure to see plenty of birds and plenty of them are likely to be birds you know nothing about. Bring a pocket bird guide to help you identify them. Instead of a book, you may just want to download a bird-watching app, so you have less to pack.

Take It In — Between work, family, and other extracurricular activities, many people don’t have much time to themselves. For many hunters, sitting in the mountains and enjoying the silence is enough to pass the time. Sit back, and take in the beautiful views, the natural sounds, and fresh mountain air.

Slow Hunt? Not With R & K Hunting Company

With all of these suggestions, you’ll never be bored during a slow hunt again!

When you hunt with the experts at R & K Hunting Company, there’s never a dull moment. Our knowledgeable and skilled outfitters have decades of experience and will guide you through an exciting Rocky Mountain hunting adventure. You’ll enjoy a pristine wildlife habitat and the abundant game in the majestic mountains of Utah or Wyoming. Contact R & K Hunting Company to book your next hunt today.