7 Tips for Cooking on Your Hunt


Every hunter needs food to stay energized. Keep your hunting crew well-fed with these seven tips for cooking on your hunt.

Have you ever been hangry? Have you ever been hangry on the mountain with your hunting buddies? Even worse. It’s hard to be pleasant and have a good time when you’re hungry, regardless of what you’re doing. For many hunters, sitting around the campfire, sharing stories, and eating a tasty meal together is one of hunting’s greatest joys. You don’t need to be a world-renowned, four Michelin star chef to have great meals on the mountainside during your hunt. Keep everyone in your camp happy and well-fed with the following cooking tips.

Continue scrolling to level up your cooking game on your hunt.

7 Expert Tips

  1. Plan Ahead — Like the meals you make at home, prepping can be the most tedious and time-consuming part of cooking. Before you head out on your hunt, do all the prepping, chopping, and measuring to save time and make mountainside cooking a breeze.
  2. Use the Foil — Cooking with foil during your hunt may seem elementary to some; to us, it’s one of the smartest cooking hacks out there. You’ll find that foil is convenient and can be utilized in multiple ways.
  3. Honor Your Kill — One of our favorite hunting traditions is cooking and eating some of your harvest with your campmates. Keep it simple with your seasonings, salt and pepper is all it needs and a quick sear in your iron skillet over the campfire is the perfect cherry on top to your hunt.
  4. Utilize Convenient Cooking Appliances — If your camp has electricity, consider bringing along your slow cooker. Before you leave in the early morning, throw your meal in the slow cooker, and by the time you return, you’ll have a home-cooked dinner that is ready to go. Nothing like a hot meal waiting for your return!
  5. Remember Your Protective Gear — If you aren’t careful, you can end up with a painful and nasty burn when cooking over an open fire. Make sure to remember to bring your protective cooking gear like a thick pair of leather welder’s gloves, a Dutch oven lid lifter and some vise-grips, and whatever else you might need.
  6. Don’t Forget Dessert — Don’t forget to end your meals with something sweet. Keep it simple with s’mores, or brown sugared and buttered apples wrapped in foil, or something a bit more elevated, like Dutch oven berry cobbler.
  7. Keep Drinks and Foods Separate — Your posse will likely be reaching for drinks throughout the day and letting the cold air out, making the ice melt faster. Keep your ice solid and food colder by keeping your food and drinks in separate coolers.

Contact R & K Hunting Company and Enjoy the Cooking on Your Hunt

Of course, chef-cooked meals are not a necessity during your hunt, but they definitely don’t hurt! If you want to avoid cooking on your hunt, book your next hunt with the experts at R & K Hunting Company. There’s nothing like a home-cooked meal after a long, cold day of hunting, and our team of professionals is here to make your experience perfect. We take the hassles and headaches out of planning your hunt, like prepping and cooking your campsite meals. Let our staff do the hard stuff, so you can enjoy the good stuff. If you want to explore Utah or Wyoming, contact R & K Hunting Company today.