7 Pieces of Hunting Gear and Clothes You’re Forgetting to De-Scent

Hunting Gear and Clothes

You’ve got a handle on scent control, but there are likely pieces of hunting gear that you’re still forgetting to de-scent.

Controlling your scent on your hunt is one of the most important parts of hunting. Because their eyesight isn’t always keen, many animals heavily rely on their incredible sense of smell to detect things and understand their surroundings — and big game is no different. Most hunters remember to de-scent themselves and most of their clothes, but there are likely several pieces of hunting gear that you may have overlooked. 

Continue reading to learn which items to remove your smelly, offensive human scent from.

7 Pieces of Hunting Gear and Clothes You Might Be Forgetting to De-Scent

Make sure you’re not the smelly kid on your hunt and de-scent the following seven items:

  1. Pack — Your backpack and/or waist pack will surely get handled a lot on your hunt. They will also soak up plenty of sweat. Make sure to pay special attention to the parts that make contact with you as you spray your de-scenting solution, such as the straps and padding on the back.
  2. Hunting Boots — Old or new, your hunting boots are probably stinky to the wildlife you’re stalking. Before heading on your hunt, make sure to give your hunting boots, especially the rubber bottoms and laces, a good spray with a scent-eliminating solution. Your boots come into contact the very most with the woods, so don’t forget your boots!
  3. Gloves — Another part of your body that comes into contact with the woods during your hunt is your hands, so wearing gloves is ideal to not spread your human smell all over creation. But wearing gloves won’t do much if you forget to wash them often and spray them all over before and after putting them on.
  4. Armguard — If you’re hunting with a bow, don’t forget to wash and de-scent your armguard, which often goes overlooked.
  5. Hat and Face Mask — Between sweat, breath, and any other secretions that come from our heads, you’re sure to catch the attention of the wildlife in the area unless you regularly wash your hat, face mask, and other hunting headgear and spray them down.
  6. Gun or Bow Case — If you carry your gun or bow in a case, you’ll need to treat it like you would any other piece of clothing or gear when it comes to scent control.
  7. Firearm or Bow Sling — In addition to your case, if you use a sling to carry your gun, especially those made of fabric, you’ll need to spray it. Fabric slings will soak up every bit of sweat and scent it can! So treat it accordingly.

Bring Your De-Scented Hunting Gear on Your Next Hunt With R & K Hunting Company

Concealing your scent and the smell of your hunting gear is essential to the success of your hunt.

If you’d like more insider tips and tricks, book your next hunt with the professionals at R & K Hunting Company. Our knowledgeable guides and outfitters have years of experience and can’t wait to share their pro tips with you. For an exciting Rocky Mountain hunting adventure in the beautiful hills and valleys of Utah or Wyoming, contact R & K Hunting Company today.