What Hunting Licenses and Permits Do You Need?

Hunting licenses and permits are needed even if you are hunting on private ranches. Here’s a quick guide to what you’ll need to hunt on the R&K Hunting Company’s ranches in Utah and Wyoming.

Utah Hunting Licenses and Permits

Utah requires all hunters to possess a Basic Hunting License or a Combination License in addition to a game permit. If you’re only hunting game, a Basic Hunting License will do. If you’re planning to hunt and fish at some point during the next year, get a Combination License. Both types of licenses are good for 365 days and are available to residents and non-residents.

Many of our ranches are in the Utah Cooperative Wildlife Management Unit (CWMU) program. This means you can obtain your tags for these hunts directly from us. We participate in the CWMU system for Mule Deer, Elk, and Moose. You will need a special CWMU resident or non-resident species-specific license to hunt in these areas.

  • Mule Deer. Utah has a guaranteed Mule Deer tag.
  • Elk. Most of our elk ranches are in the state’s CWMU system, but any that are not in the system are in open bull elk units. You can get a tag for these units if you book with us early.
  • Moose. Moose hunting tags are guaranteed on our CWMU ranches. Non-CWMU ranches require participating in a tag draw or purchase.
  • Pronghorn. There are a variety of pronghorn permits. The type you need will depend on whether or not you’re in a CWMU and if you are a resident of Utah or not. We have a limited number of guaranteed pronghorn tags available.

Wyoming Hunting Licenses and Permits

All hunters in Wyoming need either a resident or non-resident hunting license for the species you are hunting. You will also need to purchase a Conservation Stamp. If you plan to hunt with a bow, you’ll need to purchase an archery license in addition to your species-specific licenses, but a single archery license can be used across species.

All of the big game species we hunt in Wyoming are subject to a lottery or draw. You can boost your odds using the state’s preference point system, especially if you’re interested in Moose or Pronghorn. Mule Deer and Elk have high draw odds on our ranches.

Leave the Details to Us

Confused by the state licensing and permit requirements? Contact the R&K Hunting Company at 435-655-5484. We can tell you exactly which hunting licenses and permits you need for your hunt and in many cases, help you obtain them.