Tips for Cleaning Your Hunting Backpack

Tips for Cleaning Your Hunting Backpack

One sign of a successful hunt is a dirty backpack. To ready yourself for your next adventure, you’ll want to make sure your bag is clean. In addition to cleaning your pack before and after the hunting season, you want to wash it after each hunt.

Keep your backpack functioning its best by following these cleaning tips found below.

Read Washing Instructions

Before you begin washing your backpack, read up on the manufacturer’s cleaning recommendations. Most bags, unless otherwise stated, should not be machine washed, but hand-washed, instead. Besides, you probably don’t want blood and dirt residue left in your washing machine.

Take Your Pack Apart

If your backpack is comprised of different parts, take it apart before you wash it. Remove the belt, straps, and other components so you can thoroughly clean each of them.

Give It a Good Shake

Before wetting your pack, make sure you shake out it well. Dirt, leaves, and other caked-on bits may have found their way in or on your bag. If shaking your backpack isn’t doing the trick, try using your handheld vacuum or the local carwash’s.

Cold Water vs. Hot Water

Cool water is best when trying to remove stains. Ice cold water is best when removing bloodstains. Hot water tends to set the stains in fabrics.

Power Sprayer

Your backpack may require a good spray down if it’s soaked in blood. Lay your pack on your driveway or somewhere you can spray it. Next, use a pressure washer or a power spray attachment on your hose to clean off the first few layers of gunk.

Soak It

If your backpack is saturated in blood, you’ll want to soak it in ice-cold water. Dedicate a plastic tub or bin for cleaning your gear. Fill the plastic bin with water and add a couple of bags of ice. The cold water from your hose won’t be cold enough. Let your pack soak for 30 minutes.

Hand Wash

Because you’ve soaked your backpack, you’ll probably find that you won’t need to scrub your pack with a brush. All you’ll need to do is give it a good hand wash to get the material clean. 

Rinse and Repeat

After your first wash, dump out the dirty water and do it all again. This time, add some detergent. Consider using a detergent that is specifically made for hunting clothes and gear. Massage your pack in the soapy water and let it soak for 20 minutes. Once it’s done soaking and all the stains are out, give your gear a good rinse.

Hang to Dry

Now that you’re done washing your backpack, immediately hang it up to dry. This will help minimize any mildewy smells and keep buckles and zipper in good working condition. 

Contact R & K Hunting Company

Now that your backpack is as good as new, you can start thinking about booking your next hunting expedition with R & K Hunting Company. R & K Hunting Company will take all the stress out of planning the perfect hunt. Find out why more than 90% of our clients come back time and time again, by booking your hunt today.