The Best Hunting Habitats for Moose in Utah and Wyoming

When hunting moose, the hunting habitat you select can mean the difference between going home empty-handed or bagging the trophy of your dreams.

Select the wrong location and you may be tripping over other hunters, without ever seeing an animal. When you know the right place to look, however, you can take your pick of Shiras moose for your trophy.

Here’s Why the Best Hunting Habitats Make a Difference

When hunting moose in the Intermountain West, the Shiras moose poses an impressive opportunity. Although smaller than the Canadian species, a mature Shiras bull can weigh up to 1,400 pounds and stand six or more feet tall at the shoulder.

The biggest challenge when hunting Moose in Utah and Wyoming is finding the beasts.

Because the Shiras thrives in extreme cold, human encroachment and climate conditions continue to push them further north and to higher ground. They’re partial to mountainous areas with lakes or streams, particularly those surrounded by willows.

Some of the best hunting habitats today are found on private land. In Utah and Wyoming, where the environment can be challenging for an amateur hunter, these areas provide a greatly improved opportunity for bringing home the trophy of a lifetime.

The Best Utah Moose Hunting Habitats

Utah moose habitats range throughout the Ogden and East Canyon areas and the Wasatch Mountains. The north slope area of the Uinta Mountains is particularly ideal today.

Private land habitats, especially those that are enrolled in Utah’s Cooperative Wildlife Management Unit (CWMU) program, offer some unique benefits for a trophy hunt. The CWMU program offers incentives for private property owners to maintain their land as wildlife habitat, rather than develop the areas.

For trophy hunters, the CWMU program provides access to the best hunting habitats as well as a limited number of guaranteed tags. Hunting outfitters and private hunting guides – like R & K Hunting Company – arrange with landowners to conduct guided hunts for their clients.

The Best Moose Hunting Habitat in Wyoming

We have found that, when hunting moose in Wyoming, Area 27 offers some of the best opportunities for our clients. The Wyoming moose hunting season is rapidly approaching. All Wyoming moose hunters are subject to the draw, to obtain a tag.

If you don’t want to risk the draw, you can purchase a governor’s or commissioner tag.

As with our Utah trophy hunts, our Wyoming moose hunting habitats are largely conducted on exceptional private estates. Each of our guided moose hunts features the finest amenities with fabulous food and lodging.

The R & K Hunting Company is the premier outfitter and guide service in the Intermountain West. With decades of experience in wildlife science, our proprietary approach provides our clients access to the best estate and fair-chase hunt opportunities for moose, elk, mule deer and pronghorn antelope.

The season is coming and spots are filling up quickly. Contact us today to schedule your hunt and to learn more about the best hunting habitats in Wyoming and Utah.