Hunting Outfitters’ Tips for Energy Boosting Pack Snacks

Hunting outfitters are the undisputed experts in their field.

With dozens (or hundreds) of big game and trophy hunts under their belts, they know what to expect and what will be in store for their clients. And, because they learned the hard way themselves, you can place your trust in their advice.

When you set out on your first trophy hunt, being prepared will guarantee you a more pleasant experience. Today we would like to talk about the importance of keeping your energy maxed out during the hunt.

As professional hunting outfitters, we have some fairly strong thoughts on this topic!

The Importance of Good Nutrition on the Big Game Hunt

If your trophy hunt will take you into the mountains and over rough terrain, your endurance will be put to the test.

Most of our trophy hunts take place over three to five consecutive days. And while you will be very well fed by our professional cooks, we recommend that you be prepared for anything.

Prior to the date of your hunt, invest some time working on your physical fitness and adopt an energy-rich diet. Once you arrive, make sure to stay well-hydrated too, as this will help maintain your body’s energy and balance.

When we set out for the day’s hunting, make sure to have a few snacks on board, just in case.

Keep Those Prepackaged Snacks Very, Very Quiet!

The worst thing you can do, as we’re sitting quietly in a blind, is to pull out a snack in a rattling wrapper and alert the wildlife to our presence. If you want to bring along some prepackaged, commercial snacks, you’ll have to be very careful in your selection.

You could choose from a variety of popular power-packed snacks but many come in packaging that’s too loud for the hunt. If you have a favorite energy bar, unwrap a few in advance and place them in snack bags (non-zip, please) or a bit of plastic wrap. That way, you can enjoy your bar – and keep up your energy – without scaring off the game.

You can also purchase specialty snacks for hunters and athletes, which have been designed for maximum nutrition and easy access.

Or you can choose snacks that nature herself has quietly wrapped for you.

Natural Snacks Keep You Going

Fruit is an excellent source of natural energy. It’s also self-contained without the annoying plastic or foil wrappers.

Apples are simple to transport and eat and, when you’re done, that apple core will make some wild animals very happy. Bananas are also great for tucking into your pack, as the provide lots of potassium.

Many first-time hunters like to take jerky out with them. Commercially packaged jerky isn’t always the best idea, because the wrappers can be loud and the smell may be detectible by the animals.

Many hunting outfitters are fans of good, old-fashioned peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. They’re packed with protein and carbohydrates, they’re easy and light to pack around with you and you can enjoy them in virtual silence. You can also throw a few nuts into your pockets and munch a few as the mood strikes.

When you trust the R & K Hunting Company as your private guides, you can rest assured that we will handle everything. Our exclusive guided hunts in Wyoming and Utah include mule deer hunting, moose hunting, elk hunting and more.

Check out our website to learn more, or give us a call today to schedule your trip out with the best hunting outfitters in the Intermountain West.