Finding the Best Hunting Habitat for Elk

Finding the best hunting habitat for elk can be challenging. If you hope to tag one of these magnificent, elusive animals that are prized for offering some of the most delectable game meat, the terrain where they live and hide is vast. Even as you study the habits of the large beasts in hopes of felling one, you run the risk of coming home empty-handed unless you have found a way to limit the area where they are found.

Where Do You Have the Best Chances of Bagging an Elk?

Part of your process will be learning about where elk like to frequent. Experienced hunters often find them in:


Elk love grassy ridges adjacent to water-logged creek bottoms, not only because of the plentiful grass, but because the timber on the ridges affords them with travel corridors from their food source to their bedding sites. The best place to find them there is in the early morning and later in the day. You’ll know they been there if you see fresh tracks, so setting up a spot near a ridge to wait for elk is a good move that might yield success.


During the day, elk often congregate in valleys, when they enjoy the wide, wet, flat bottom. From September through early November, elk gravitate to these areas, especially if the headwaters to a creek are nearby. Seasoned hunters suggest that you keep the wind in your face and quietly pursue locations in the valley, especially if you are hunting for the first time in a new place.

Creek Bottoms

Often cooler than the surrounding area by 10 to 15 degrees, creek bottoms are attractive to bull moose in warm weather. They love the dense vegetation there. In addition to the pleasant temperature. Successful hunters stake out ridges that lead to creek bottoms for success in finding elk.

Narrow Down the Best Hunting Habitat for Elk with a Guided Hunt

While many hunters enjoy finding ways to outsmart elk by seeking out the best hunting habitat on their own, you might prefer a guided hunt. Although a hunting preserve is still very large, you have many advantages. If you choose to go this route:

  • You know that the herd numbers are carefully managed, so that you will find large numbers of mature trophy bulls at your disposal, not just in the fall, but in the summer as well.
  • You can feel assured of a fair hunting experience, where you are in pursuit of well fed, well cared for animals.
  • You will find all the features of the natural habitat preferred by elk, which will eliminate fruitless searching on your part.

While you have no guarantees you will tag an elk on a guided hunt, you will have the expertise of seasoned guides available who can help you find elk, while also providing the other factors that make a hunting trip enjoyable: great meals, pleasing accommodations, and the camaraderie of a great group of fellow hunters.

If you want to meet elk in their natural hunting habitat of Utah or Wyoming, contact R&K Hunting Company for information about their guided hunts.